Bullet 2.69 Physics SDK released: split impulse, tear & pick Cloth and Soft Bodies

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+ Added split impulse support, penetration recovery won’t add momentum
+ cloth/soft body improvements: picking (pick and drag), tearing (click and release without mouse move), preliminary support for btSoftBody versus compound and concave trimesh
+ Added new btDbvtBroadphase, based on dynamic AABB tree. It has the capability to do view frustum culling and front-to-back traversal. See Extras\CDTestFramework for view frustum culling sample.
+ Enabled new btGjkEpa2 penetration depth solver, thanks to Nathanael
+ Provide access to all persistent manifolds for a given btBroadphasePair, see CharacterDemo for sample usage
+ Added linear and angular motor for btSliderConstraint
+ Add penetration depth test for convexSweepTest
+ removed several warnings for Windows build, thanks to Martijn Reuvers
+ Added Mac Cocoa Xcode project, thanks to TomorrowPlus
+ use collision margin of btBvhTriangleMeshShape for convexTest, Thanks to reltham for the contribution.
+ added custom memory allocator registration, thanks to Sly.

Download Bullet 2.69 from the Bullet repository at Google Code.

Bullet 2.68 Physics SDK released: Soft Bodies and iPhone support

+ New BulletSoftBody library: cloth, rope and deformable volumes, including interaction with rigid bodies. Thanks Nathanael Presson.
+ Added btSliderConstraint
+ Added Extras/CdTestFrameWork, Thanks Pierre Terdiman
+ Added posix thread support (pthreads), Thanks Enrico.
+ Moved ConvexHull into Bullet/src
+ Moved optional quickstep and box-box collision detector to Bullet/src. Thanks Russell Smith for permission to re-distribute under the ZLib license.
+ Many bugfixes and improvements to BulletColladaConverter, btSubsimplexConvexCast, btMultiSapBroadphase, btOptimizedBvh

Download full SDK source code and precompiled Windows and Mac OSX Universal binary demos from http://code.google.com/p/bullet/downloads/list

Wolfgang Engel developed the Oolong Engine 2 for iPhone, and initial Bullet support looks very promising. Unlike most other phones, the floating point performance of the iPhone is very good.
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Thanks everyone for the hard work and feedback,


Bullet 2.67 Physics SDK available now

Bullet 2.67 is available now from http://code.google.com/p/bullet/

  • Add support for fast batch raycasting on SPU / BulletMultiThreaded
  • Add support for 16 and 32-bit indexed triangle meshes in SPU / BulletMultiThreaded version.
  • Improved COLLADA Physics export snapshot from any Bullet btDynamicsWorld. Saving the physics world into .dae (xml textfile) can be useful for debugging etc.
  • Initial version for Character Control Demo
  • Bugfixes in ConvexCast support against the world.
  • Added btCapsuleShapeX/Z
  • Added btTypedUserInfo, useful for serialization
  • Added Stan Melax Convex Hull utility library in Extras/ConvexHull. This is useful to render non-polyhedral convex objects, and to simplify convex polyhedra.

The SVN repository is sychronized with the existing sourceforge repository.

Development is ongoing, and outstanding issues will roll into upcoming releases.

Feedback in this forum issue: http://www.bulletphysics.org/Bullet/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=1947

Home of Bullet and PyBullet: physics simulation for games, visual effects, robotics and reinforcement learning.