Horde3D Physics Library Integration

Horde3D Bullet Physics integration

The project contains a small library that connects the Bullet Physics Engine to the Horde3D Graphics Engine.

The source code contains also a little example application and a patch for the Collada Converter of the Horde3D Engine version 0.11 that allows the usage of basic features of the Collada Physics extension.

This text is also available in german. A local cached copy of the source/demo is available too.

NVidia NVSG 4.0 VisSim demo uses Bullet physics library

NVSG VisSim demo using Bullet physics engineNVSG VisSim demo using Bullet physics engine

NVidia released a VisSim demo to showcase NVSG. They showed this demo in the NVidia booth at SIGGRAPH 2007 in San Diego.

Quote from the website: “The demo illustrates the integration of Physics (Bullet physics system), Audio (OpenAL), and Graphics through Producer, Cal3D, FreeType and of course NVSG. Bullet, OpenAL and Producer are all open source projects that are available from their respective repositories on the Internet. Nvidia and the NVSG team do not endorse any of these projects specifically, but they have worked very well for us and we would certainly recommend them. The source code to the VisSim demo is available below.”


Capcom drops Havok, develops their in-house physics engine

“Most interesting of the desired features, however, is the development of Capcom’s own physics system to replace the Havok middleware that it currently uses. ”

Explaining the decision, the page states that “Although middleware might increase efficiency, language discrepancies, response times for support/bugs and the loss of understanding on how our entire engine is structured leads us to feel that we get better results in a shorter period by developing our own engine.”


Forum update progress

The forum upgrade from phpbb2 to phpbb3 is done. The website needs more polishing, but the basic functionality is up and running again.

Several people reported login issues, which should be fixed by now.

Updated website, phpBB3, WordPress, WP United

Labourday weekend September 2-3, 2007, the Bullet Physics website will be updated. First, the phpBB2 forum will be updated to phpBB3 RC5. This should fix recent problems with private messages. To get a better integrated experience with latest news in the physics industry, WordPress and WP United will be installed.

Sorry for the inconvenience during this weekend,


Home of Bullet and PyBullet: physics simulation for games, visual effects, robotics and reinforcement learning.