C4 Entity managemet problem

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Joined: Fri Feb 09, 2007 10:51 am

C4 Entity managemet problem

Post by janko »

Hi there,

I found myself having to integrate Bullet within a C4 game. As newbie as I am, I'm lacking experience in both physics engines and game architecture design.
I'm afraid I'm a little lost when it comes to finding "the right" design of what a physics manager should be (and do). So, please excuse any possible stupidity.

So, here's the question:
Is there any example on how to handle C4 entities with bullet?

I'm using the Bullet_2.23_C4_129_Demo code as a base to implement my own Physics Manager class. This code works fine for geometry objects, but when it comes to entities it creates the physical representation of its geometry but ignores the entity node itself. And since the geometry associated to an entity isn't given a controller (as far as I know), there is no chance to control it with my own PhysicRigidBodyController.

To sum it up:
  • - Creating a new primitive in the World Editor and assigning a Physics controller (disabling C4's collision management)-> Fine. Balls and boxes collide and interact.
    - Adding an entity -> Not fine. Ball entities remain static (even though the pDebug command reveals that a physical object was created).
I know the main problem here is my lack of C4/Bullet knowledge :oops: , but I'd appreciate any guideline on how to implement a good physical world management.

I just hope this is the right thread to post such "C4 related" stuff. If not, I'll post this in the C4 forum. :lol:
