soft body restitution

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Joined: Fri Aug 03, 2012 8:39 pm

soft body restitution

Post by dlx »

Hi guys,

I'm working with soft bodies and calling softBody->setRestitution() seems to have no effect. With rigid bodies when I want to make - say - a ball to bounce I change the grounds and balls restitution and it bounces like expected, but with soft body it seems to be no true. Should I change it per node? if so which property?

Posts: 42
Joined: Sun Aug 07, 2011 5:27 am

Re: soft body restitution

Post by Xcoder79 »

These are the Config parameters to set up a softbody object

btSoftBody::Config :

btSoftBody::Config::kVCF; // Velocities correction factor (Baumgarte)
define the amount of correction per time step for drift solver (sometimes referred as ERP in rigid bodies solvers).
btSoftBody::Config::kDP; // Damping coefficient [0,1]
damping, zero = no damping, one= full damping.
btSoftBody::Config::kDG; // Drag coefficient [0,+inf]
[aerodynamic] kDG=0 mean no drag.
btSoftBody::Config::kLF; // Lift coefficient [0,+inf]
[aerodynamic]=> is a factor of the lift force kLF=0 mean no lift
btSoftBody::Config::kPR; // Pressure coefficient [-inf,+inf]
[aerodynamic]=> is a factor of pressure.
btSoftBody::Config::kVC; // Volume conversation coefficient [0,+inf]
when 'setPose(true,...)' as been called, define the magnitude of the force used to conserve volume.
btSoftBody::Config::kDF; // Dynamic friction coefficient [0,1]
friction, kDF=0 mean sliding, kDF=1 mean sticking.
btSoftBody::Config::kMT; // Pose matching coefficient [0,1]
when 'setPose(...,true)' as been called, define the factor used for pose matching.
btSoftBody::Config::kCHR; // Rigid contacts hardness [0,1]
define how 'soft' contact with rigid bodies are, kCHR=0 mean no penetration correction, 1 mean full correction.
btSoftBody::Config::kKHR; // Kinetic contacts hardness [0,1]
define how 'soft' contact with kinetic/static bodies are, kKHR=0 mean no penetration correction, 1 mean full correction.
btSoftBody::Config::kSHR; // Soft contacts hardness [0,1]
define how 'soft' contact with other soft bodies are, kSHR=0 mean no penetration correction, 1 mean full correction.
btSoftBody::Config::kAHR; // Anchors hardness [0,1]
define how 'soft' anchor constraint (joint) are, kAHR=0 mean no drift correction, 1 mean full correction.
btSoftBody::Config::maxvolume; // Maximum volume ratio for pose
btSoftBody::Config::timescale; // Time scale
factor of time step, can be used to speed up, or slow down simulation, default=1.