First COLLADA import/viewer for XNA !

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Erwin Coumans
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First COLLADA import/viewer for XNA !

Post by Erwin Coumans »

Although it doesn't have physics support yet, the first COLLADA import/viewer for XNA is available here:

Download local cached zip file containing C#/XNA sources of import and viewer (10Mb) Works with mouse, not just XBox 360 controller
This zip contains two C# projects:
- COLLADA document, which is a pure C# fine (no XNA involved) that can be used in any C# application to load a COLLADA document in memory. It is not complete, since I only implemented what I needed so far, but a good start !
- COLLADA pipeline, which is using COLLADA document, and implement a XNA pipeline for XNA.

XNA pipeline is in 2 stages. The Importer and the processor.

In the Importer, this will load the COLLADA document in memory, and then apply a conditioner (a simple convex mesh triangulation is included), and then can save it as a binary file (serialization).
In the processor, this will convert COLLADA document (loaded back from binary) into a NodeContent using Basic Material.

In order to load COLLADA documents in your XNA application, simply add the COLLADAPipeline.dll in the 'Content Pipeline Assemblies' properties of the 'Content Pipeline'. double-click on the properties in your solution explorer to get this option.
Note that a Bullet XNA version is under development, so it might very well be possible that this COLLADA XNA viewer will support physics...