infinite loop in collision detection

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infinite loop in collision detection

Post by duarte »

Is there a way to freeze an object in blender?

Here?s why I think my script gets into an infinite loop:

When I change the "oxigenio"'s attribute, the GE detects another collision, because it "thinks" "oxigenio" is another object, so it changes the atribute again...and so on..and so on...still, i really need to have this attributes within the object...

import Blender
import GameLogic

#get actuator
collision_actuator = GameLogic.getCurrentController().getActuator("wall_x_act")

#get object's velocity components
vx = Blender.Object.Get("oxigenio").getProperty("vx").getData()
vy = Blender.Object.Get("oxigenio").getProperty("vy").getData()
vz = Blender.Object.Get("oxigenio").getProperty("vz").getData()

#change object's vx

#change vx component

i?ve tried to solve this using a decorator, but it?s not working:

import Blender
import GameEngine

def locked(meth):
meth.locked = False
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
if meth.locked:
meth.locked = True
ret = meth(*args, **kwargs)
meth.locked = False
return ret
return wrapper

def collision_handler():

#get actuator
collision_actuator = GameLogic.getCurrentController().getActuator("wall_x_act")

#get object's velocity components
vx = Blender.Object.Get("oxigenio").getProperty("vx").getData()
vy = Blender.Object.Get("oxigenio").getProperty("vy").getData()
vz = Blender.Object.Get("oxigenio").getProperty("vz").getData()

#change object's vx

#change vx component


Can the GE solve this problem in some way?
Do I have to include an atribute "locked" in the objects attributes, so that it can?t collide twice with the same wall?

please post a link if you know where i can find more information..i?ve searched everywhere...

thanks in advance