Blender 2.42a Mysteriously Works

Physics APIs, Physics file formats, Maya, Max, XSI, Cinema 4D, Lightwave, Blender, thinkingParticles™ and other simulation tools, exporters and importers
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Blender 2.42a Mysteriously Works

Post by bmud »

Well.. to my suprise (which is probably no suprise) 2.42a's Blenderplayer.exe was repaired. Here's the interesting part...

Run a game regular in blender: spazzez out with "clock" errors.
Drag the blend file onto the blenderplayer.exe normal and it spazzez out twice as much.
Run a game with "show all frames": moves too fast, but no clock errors.
Turn on "show all frames", save, and drag the file onto blenderplayer.exe and what'dya'know.. It plays at the propper speed flawlessly. Good job to Erwin I assume. Please whatever you did, stick the same fix on the other 3 scenarios.

Here's the catch (there's always one, right?). It looks like some old code got used to build this blenderplayer, so black colors are brought to an ugly grey. Secondly, if you try to use GLSL, it'll be slow and suck, and have clock errors again.

happy blending!