order of collision resolution

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order of collision resolution

Post by mirv »

I've been browsing through bullet's source code of late, and I'm curious as to if any time order of collision resolution is performed (forgive me, but I've only had time to browse, not to build test applications). To make it a bit more clear:
if an object (A) is moving, and has a velocity to intersect two other objects (B and C), where an intersect with (B) and appropriate collision response would actually prevent a collision with (C) - is this handled, or is it left to a short (discrete) time simulation loop?
I haven't seen that it is handled (or if practically it even needs to be) - but then again, I can easily miss things when simpy browsing back & forwards between source code files.

P.S - I hope I'm in the right forum; this is mostly Bullet specific.
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Post by projectileman »

Take a look to the "BulletDynamics/ConstraintSolver/btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver.h" file.

In the method solveGroup() you will see how Bullet handles collsions. Each collision record (contact) correponds to each btPersistentManifold element in the manifold array.