simulating glass

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Joined: Fri Jun 15, 2007 5:03 pm

simulating glass

Post by binofet »

hello everybody,

i'm looking into simulating glass now and have yet to find any good examples. if anybody has any ideas. . . i'd love to hear them!

right now i do have a destructible object system using compound objects. when a compound object is hit, we compare the force to 2 contact thresholds, subObject and fullObject. if the force is > subObject i find what subObjects are hit and remove those from the compound and release the respective sub objects into the world. if the force is > fullObject (rocket, grenade, car crash). we release all the sub objects. this is working pretty well and i could use this to simulate glass, however i'm interested in dynamically creating triangles for glass after impact.

heres the code i added to btCompoundShape to remove a child, any suggestions here would be great as well.

Code: Select all

void	btCompoundShape::removeChildShape(btCollisionShape* shape)
	int findIndex = m_childShapes.findLinearSearch(shape);
	int size = getNumChildShapes();

	// if  findIndex>=size, this object isn't in the list
	if (findIndex<size)
		// this preserves child shape ordering, although it sucks for speed
		for (int i=findIndex; i<size-1; i++)
			m_childShapes.swap(i, i+1);
			m_childTransforms.swap(i, i+1);


		// TODO: recalculate compound aabb faster (maybe not at all in some cases)
		btTransform childTransform;
		btVector3 localAabbMin,localAabbMax;
		for(int i=0; i<size-1; i++)
			btCollisionShape* shape = m_childShapes[i];
			childTransform = getChildTransform(i);
			for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
				if (m_localAabbMin[i] > localAabbMin[i])
					m_localAabbMin[i] = localAabbMin[i];
				if (m_localAabbMax[i] < localAabbMax[i])
					m_localAabbMax[i] = localAabbMax[i];