Newbie questions.

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Newbie questions.

Post by Thomi »


I've been looking at Bullet, and I'm keen to use it in my project. However, I'm a bit stuck when it comes to learning how to use bullet. I managed to compile the libraries, and the demos look very impressive.

I've seen a few posts on the forums that refer to a bullet manual, but have been unable to find a download link.

Also, I can't seem to find any tutorials.. although I notice that improving documentation is on your TODO list.

So my question is:

Am I missing this documentation, or is it not available? If the latter, is it appropriate to ask some *really* basic questions on the forums? (I'd even be prepared to write tutorials from the answers I get).

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Erwin Coumans
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Post by Erwin Coumans »

There is a Bullet_User_Manual.pdf included in the source zipfile, at the root. Although more documentation should be written, this should get you up and running.

There are no step-by-step tutorials, but I would recommend looking at the various demos.

Thanks for your interest,