Moving to a desired angle in Bullet.

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Joined: Fri Sep 08, 2006 3:39 pm

Moving to a desired angle in Bullet.

Post by luke.titley »

I'm trying to get a basic inverse pendulum controller in Bullet.
In ODE I can simply use Motors to specify a desired veloctiy which i get from a PD controller.
I've been trying to get a similar setup in Bullet. I understand motors for 6Dof joints aren't ready yet so I've been trying to work something out with the applyTorque, applyTorqueImpulse and applyAngularVelocity methods.

I'm not getting very far.

My masses are currently all 1.
I figured if I could get the angularAcceleration then I could use - that with applyTorque to stop my pendulums rotation. Then I could add a Torque to that to get it to rotate where I want it to.

That doesn't seem to be working. Is there a better approach for what I am trying to do?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
