Ghost for some objects.

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Ghost for some objects.

Post by DimEkm »

Well it is a request.
I was trying to create an object that will be the parent of another object that will be used as a hammer. The problem is that if the hammer touch the dynamic object then anwanted reactions take place. Like moving in any (random) direction. The only solution that came to my mind is an option that some objects will be able to react like ghost at some objects and not all.
I don't know if it is posible to be done all ready with bullet.
Also are we going to have more access to bullet api throu python in the next realese?
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Erwin Coumans
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Post by Erwin Coumans »

Is the hammer static or dynamic? Dynamic objects should never have a parent.

How is that hammer attached to the parent object? If it is just a child, you should enable the 'compound' and make sure to 'clear parent inverse' etc.

Is it like picking up a hammer? In that case you should use constraints, instead of parenting. I plan on adding a 'don't collide' flag between the two bodies involved in a constraint.

There is little time left, and I'm very busy, so don't expect too much for 2.43. Perhaps a bit more for 2.44.

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Erwin Coumans
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Post by Erwin Coumans »

Erwin Coumans wrote:Is the hammer static or dynamic? Dynamic objects should never have a parent, unless they are part of a Compound.

How is that hammer attached to the parent object? If it is just a child, you should enable the 'Compound' and make sure to 'clear parent inverse' etc.

Is it like picking up a hammer? In that case you should use constraints, instead of parenting. I plan on adding a 'don't collide' flag between the two bodies involved in a constraint.

There is little time left, and I'm very busy, so don't expect too much for 2.43. Perhaps a bit more for 2.44.

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Post by DimEkm »

No. the hammer it's not dynamic. It have just bounds. I have Ipo for the hammer and in the overall idea hammer destroy every thing. I found a way that I can atach a weapon to the haracter and use the ipo to follow the animation but if the weapon get in the dynamic object ( the character ) the character bounds. This is the reason I asked about this future.