Implementing friction correctly

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Implementing friction correctly

Post by gfaraj »

I'm trying to implement friction correctly. I am having trouble computing the right impulse magnitude for the friction. I haven't found much information about friction in an impulse-based physics engine. Is there a good article that discusses this fully?

It seems that the friction applied has too much magnitude. I guess that could that be caused by an incorrect inertia tensor. But, does anyone see any problem with my formulas?

The function that does collision response is:

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        void BeSimulator::doCollisionResponse(Float DeltaTime)
            ContactIterator ContactItr;
            for (ContactItr = m_Contacts.begin(); ContactItr != m_Contacts.end(); ++ContactItr)
                BeContactConstraint& Contact = *ContactItr;                

                BeRigidBody& BodyA = *Contact.BodyA();
                BeRigidBody& BodyB = *Contact.BodyB();

                if (BodyA.IsDynamic() || BodyB.IsDynamic())
                    // We have to calculate the response impulse
                    BeVector3 VelocityA = BodyA.LinearVelocity() + (BodyA.AngularVelocity() % Contact.RelativePositionA());
                    BeVector3 VelocityB = BodyB.LinearVelocity() + (BodyB.AngularVelocity() % Contact.RelativePositionB());
                    Float PreRelativeVel = Contact.CollisionNormal() * (VelocityA - VelocityB);

                    if (PreRelativeVel < 0.0f)
                        BeVector3 AxN = Contact.RelativePositionA() % Contact.CollisionNormal();
                        BeVector3 BxN = Contact.RelativePositionB() % Contact.CollisionNormal();
                        BeVector3 JInvAxN = BodyA.WorldInverseInertia() * AxN;
                        BeVector3 JInvBxN = BodyB.WorldInverseInertia() * BxN;

                        Float Restitution = Material(Contact.ShapeA()->MaterialIndex()).Restitution() +

                        Float ImpulseNumer = (-1.0f - Restitution) * PreRelativeVel;
                        Float ImpulseDenom = BodyA.InverseMass() + BodyB.InverseMass() + (Contact.CollisionNormal() * (JInvAxN % Contact.RelativePositionA())) + (Contact.CollisionNormal() * (JInvBxN % Contact.RelativePositionB()));

                        Float ImpulseMag = ImpulseNumer/ImpulseDenom;
                        BeVector3 Impulse = Contact.CollisionNormal() * ImpulseMag;
                        if (BodyA.IsDynamic())
                             BodyA.AddAngularMomentum(Contact.RelativePositionA() % Impulse);

                        if (BodyB.IsDynamic())
                            BodyB.AddAngularMomentum(Contact.RelativePositionB() % -Impulse);

                        // Calculate and apply friction
                        BeVector3 ContactTangent = (Contact.RelativeVelocity() - (Contact.CollisionNormal() * PreRelativeVel));

                        VelocityA = BodyA.LinearVelocity() + (BodyA.AngularVelocity() % Contact.RelativePositionA());
                        VelocityB = BodyB.LinearVelocity() + (BodyB.AngularVelocity() % Contact.RelativePositionB());

                        BeVector3 RelVelocity = VelocityA - VelocityB;
                        Float RelativeVelTangent = RelVelocity * -ContactTangent;

                        Float FrictionCoefficient;
                        if (RelVelocity.Length() > m_RestSpeed)
                            FrictionCoefficient = Material(Contact.ShapeA()->MaterialIndex()).DynamicFriction() * 
                            FrictionCoefficient = Material(Contact.ShapeA()->MaterialIndex()).StaticFriction() * 

                            RelativeVelTangent /= m_RestSpeed;

                        if (RelativeVelTangent < 0.0f)
                            BeVector3 AxT = Contact.RelativePositionA() % ContactTangent;
                            BeVector3 BxT = Contact.RelativePositionB() % ContactTangent;
                            BeVector3 JInvAxT = BodyA.WorldInverseInertia() * AxT;
                            BeVector3 JInvBxT = BodyB.WorldInverseInertia() * BxT;

                            Float FrictionNum = RelativeVelTangent * FrictionCoefficient;
                            Float FrictionDen = BodyA.InverseMass() + BodyB.InverseMass() + (JInvAxT % AxT) * ContactTangent + (JInvBxT % BxT) * ContactTangent;

                            Float FrictionMag = FrictionNum / FrictionDen;
                            BeVector3 Friction = ContactTangent * FrictionMag;

                            if (BodyA.IsDynamic())
                                BodyA.AddLinearMomentum(Friction);                                BodyA.AddAngularMomentum(Contact.RelativePositionA() % Friction);

                            if (BodyB.IsDynamic())
                                BodyB.AddLinearMomentum(-Friction);                                BodyB.AddAngularMomentum(Contact.RelativePositionB() % Friction);

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Joined: Sun Aug 07, 2005 6:31 am
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Post by sbroumley »

Danny Chapman's "Jiglib" - is a very nice impulse based physics engine that implements contact, static, and dynamic friction using impulses just as you need.

See here: