Euler angle orientation of a btRigidBody

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Euler angle orientation of a btRigidBody

Post by ola »

Hi all,

I have been busy trying to integrate Bullet into my project, and am finally getting somewhere. I definitely needed double precision for my project and can tell you it's now working quite well with collision detection on a full earth globe model terrain using geocentric coordinates. :-)

Now for my question. I need to get the euler angles from a btRigidBody (pitch, roll, yaw) but all I can find is the quaternion orientation. What's the best way to convert this to euler angles? Are there some built-in function I've missed? I do have my own set of classes to deal with quaternions but I could not even find a function to get the 4 elements out of the btQuaternion.. (maybe I'm getting blind).

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Post by nomad »

If it's any help, this is how I get Euler angles to use with Irrlicht:

Code: Select all

void CBulletPhysicsObject::QuaternionToEulerXYZ(const btQuaternion &quat,btVector3 &euler)
	f32 w=quat.getW();	f32 x=quat.getX();	f32 y=quat.getY();	f32 z=quat.getZ();
	double sqw = w*w; double sqx = x*x; double sqy = y*y; double sqz = z*z; 
	euler.setZ((atan2(2.0 * (x*y + z*w),(sqx - sqy - sqz + sqw))));
	euler.setX((atan2(2.0 * (y*z + x*w),(-sqx - sqy + sqz + sqw))));
	euler.setY((asin(-2.0 * (x*z - y*w))));
Posts: 169
Joined: Sun Jan 14, 2007 7:56 pm
Location: Norway

Post by ola »

Thank you! Got it working now.
