CollisionShapes on animated mesh (skeletal)

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CollisionShapes on animated mesh (skeletal)

Post by rawtass »

I'm looking for advise on collision detection on animated meshes, actually GPU based skeletal animation (GPU skinning).

Some details:
- My animated model has a mesh (which can be split into sub-meshes), a set of bones/weights and a set of keyframes where the bones are moved.
- In a GPU based approach I do not have access of the animated vertices on the CPU side so I only have my vertices in the initial bind pose.

Here is an example of the standard Bob model with a convex hull collision shape added when the model is in it's bind pose. This particular model may be difficult becuase it has the body as one large mesh.

I'm thinking I could split by mesh into smaller parts corresponding to bones and then calculate bounding boxes which could be animated by the bone/skinning matrix. Is this what is usually done?

What directions could I choose? What options do I have?
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Re: CollisionShapes on animated mesh (skeletal)

Post by c6burns »

You do have access to the transformed bones on the CPU side. So one option is to use kinematic primitives kept in alignment to the bones in order to make a close approximation to the actual character.
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Re: CollisionShapes on animated mesh (skeletal)

Post by rawtass »

c6burns wrote:You do have access to the transformed bones on the CPU side. So one option is to use kinematic primitives kept in alignment to the bones in order to make a close approximation to the actual character.
Yes, I have the skinning matrices for each bone.
That requires some careful modelling though so you have a mesh per bone? Or at least one collision mesh for each bone.

In my Bob picture for example the body is one big mesh, but it has many bones.
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Re: CollisionShapes on animated mesh (skeletal)

Post by c6burns »

Basically, yes. One shape+body per bone. Some bones won't be necessary, like fingers and toes and so on. This is how I've done it. This is how I had seen it done in CryEngine3 before working on my own platform (they do a custom export of bone meshes from 3ds max biped for hit detection, etc).