Bullet and Destruction

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Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:06 am

Bullet and Destruction

Post by DARlas »

Does Bullet Physics has anything with Destruction like Pixelux DMM, APEX Destruction(PhysX) or Havok Destruction?

If not, are there any plans on implementing that in 2012?
Is there any interested since it seems that Bullet & Pixelux are working fine together, but i want OpenSource solution(or at least free).

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Joined: Fri May 13, 2011 1:11 pm

Re: Bullet and Destruction

Post by Karrok »

I think from 2.78 or 2.79 there are breakable constraints, so let your imagination run wild ;-).
There is also a demo on this showing a "log" made of cubes, falling down on another cube and breaking.

Using these constraints you can then construct objects as elaborate as you want.

One step further would be pre-fracturing a single object with (for example) a voronoi shatter.
This is not in bullet as a complete useable feature, but can be emulated with breakable constraints.
Feel free to build a feature that pre-fractures single collision objects and sets the constraints.

I'd imagine the last part as:
- Retrieve/create single shape
- MakeMeThatAwesomePreFracture(btCollisionShape * shape)
- apply the pre-fracture on the shapes
- for each newly created shape, add it to a new btCollisionObject
- interconnect the collisionobjects with breakable constraints depending on the vornoi graph used to make the shapes
- add the collision objects to the world
- commit complete solution as patch (preferably with a demo)
- make edwin happy

I'm not sure about the last step, or the others above, but I'm just winging it ;-)
