Visualise static force vectors at contact points

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Joined: Wed Nov 20, 2013 11:31 pm

Visualise static force vectors at contact points

Post by intresto »

This might be a similar question to that of shchhan but rather than asking for details I'm wondering:

Can anyone point me to an example using Bullet or any other physics engine where static contact forces between rigid bodies have been visualised as vectors?

The Autodesk Forceeffect app (not really a physics engine) does it very well in 2D but only for a single rigid body in contact with the ground rather than multiple rigid bodies in contact with each other.

The sorts of applications I'm looking at are things like boxes stacked inside a container or rocks stacked to build a dry stone wall. Will the force on a box at the bottom of the stack exceed a limit or will the side-ways force on a rock at the end of a wall exceed a limit.

I believe Bullet will resolve impulse forces at contacts but I'm interested in static forces. Any 2D or 3D examples, anywhere (videos, papers, websites, images, etc) would be great. Thanks.
