Determine Impulse / force of collision

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Determine Impulse / force of collision

Post by agoose77 »

Hi everyone,

I was attempting to add some collision information to the Blender Game Engine which currently has no information about the contact points/collision impulse in the API for physics.
It seems that when I read the impulse from the getAppliedImpulse() (unlike m_appliedImpulse which reads zero) It doesn't consider the object's mass. I was wondering why this is?

Newtonian don't mechanics state; (What was I thinking!?)

F = m*a
F = I*t

I = F/t

I = (m*a / t)

However Impulse doesn't seem affected by mass. Would this be correct psuedo code (for force)? Otherwise, is impulse just the acceleration?
btManifoldPoint& cp = ...
MT_Vector3 force = (MT_Vector3) ( cp.m_normalWorldOnB * cp.getAppliedImpulse() * timeStep; )
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