removeCollisionObject EXC_BAD_ACCESS - Objective-C

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Joined: Thu Aug 29, 2013 11:49 am

removeCollisionObject EXC_BAD_ACCESS - Objective-C

Post by h[Oz] »


This is my first post here.
I'm currently trying to make a "multi-patch" plugin under Quartz Composer (Objective-C) and I'm facing a problem while removing collision objects, stored as pointer values in an NSMutableDictionary.

I create btRigidBodies with specific shape and attributes, then when I want to deallocate the dynamicsWorld I remove all rigid bodies with removeCollisionObject, but it crashes and I can't find why.

I checked every allocation / deallocation in my own program and it seems to be OK, but there I have this trouble. Here is the code. I would be extremely grateful if someone had an idea of what's happening.

Here is the dealloc method, calling a [self removeRigidBody:(btRigidBody *)body] method

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- (void) dealloc
    NSArray *keys = [bodiesList allKeys];

    for (int i = 0; i < [keys count]; i++) {
        [self removeRigidBody:(btRigidBody *)[[bodiesList objectForKey:[keys objectAtIndex:i]] pointerValue]];       // -> pass the btRigidBody to the method

    //delete collision shapes
	for (int j = 0; j < collisionShapes.size(); j++)
		btCollisionShape *shape = collisionShapes[j];
        delete shape;
    [bodiesList release];
    bodiesList = nil;
    [super dealloc];
The other method :

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- (void) removeRigidBody:(btRigidBody *)body

    if (body != NULL)
        delete body->getMotionState();
        delete body->getCollisionShape();

    btWorld->removeCollisionObject(body);       // -> Here I have an EXC_BAD_ACCESS
    body = NULL;
Thank you !