Feasibility of using Bullet with f-reps exclusively?

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Feasibility of using Bullet with f-reps exclusively?

Post by peterjk83 »

I'm new to Bullet, and trying to determine whether I could use it or not for my case.

Basically in my software, all objects/surfaces are presented by implicit functions - signed distance functions to be exact.

I have looked at the possibility of rolling my own physics based on Nonconvex Rigid Bodies with Stacking, since it's kind of half-way there using a SDF/mesh combination for collision detection...but I'm loathe to do this, and would prefer to be able to use something more production ready.

Does Bullet have collision detection using SDFs out of the box? Looking at the source code it seems like signed distance fields are used for soft body collision detection, and that maybe this could be modified to use functions instead?

If not, would it be possible for me to add code for sdf<->sdf collision detection in the code and have the rest work without modification? Is it easy to extend Bullet to use custom collision detection using different representations without making too many changes?

Thanks for any advice/help! :)