Using CollisionWorld only but collision detection is springy

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Using CollisionWorld only but collision detection is springy

Post by Teramen »

I'm using collision world only (no dynamic world) for collision, for my project I have to do my own physic simulation because there are special rules.

What I do is create a btCylinderShape for the character and add it to the collision world.
The environment exists as a series of btConvexHullShape's.

To detect collisions I use collisionWorld->contactTest(), passing the cylinder of the character that I want to move in every frame.

This is what I'm doing on the callback to know if I'm colliding and by how much I'm penetrating the object.

Code: Select all

		virtual	btScalar	 addSingleResult(btManifoldPoint& cp,	
			const btCollisionObjectWrapper* colObj0,
			int partId0,int index0,
			const btCollisionObjectWrapper* colObj1,int partId1,int index1)

			btVector3 pt; // will be set to point of collision relative to body
			if(colObj0->getCollisionObject()==&body) {
				pt = cp.m_localPointA;
			} else {
				//assert(colObj1==&body && "body does not match either collision object");
				pt = cp.m_localPointB;
			ContactInfo ci;
			ci.normal = v3(cp.m_normalWorldOnB.x(), cp.m_normalWorldOnB.y(), cp.m_normalWorldOnB.z());
			ci.distance = cp.getDistance();
			return 0;
Then I use the distance multiplied by the normal and I move the character in the opposite direction.

Problem with this is that the behavior isn't soft enough. It results in me penetrating the walls a tiny amount and springing from them, as the penetration distance returned is never enough. It feels like walls are a cushion. How would I go about making collisions work in an accurate, rigid way?

If I'm not explaining myself correctly please let me know.

Thanks in advance.