Creating kite simulation - correct approach

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Joined: Wed May 01, 2013 10:41 am

Creating kite simulation - correct approach

Post by maximillion »


I am having a few problems with creating a kite simulation and wanted to check whether I am taking the correct approach.


I have created a kite and the kite is constructed from:

Chassis - btRigidBody compoundShape
Kite fabric - btSoftBody patch
Rope - btSoftBody rope

The rope is anchored at the first node and attached to the kite chassis with appendAnchor at the final node.
The kite fabric is attached to the chassis at all four corners with appendAnchor using the corresponding nodes of the patch
The kite fabric also has the following properties set

Anchors Contacts Hardness = 1.0;
Rigid Contacts Hardness = 1.0;
Damping = 0;
Linear, Angular and Volume Stiffness = 1.0;
Mass = 1.0

Each anchor on the patch has a mass of 0.5;
The chassis has a mass of 1 and the rope has a mass of 0.5;

I am simulating wind in x,y,z and using setWindVelocity to the kite patch up to 20 in each axis. I am applying forces to the chassis using applyforce using the same values of windVelocity.

When I look at the debug draw and after a short period of time the patch and chassis become 'detached' and the anchors stretch from their original positions.


I cant figure out why this is. After reading through the forums Ive tried quite a few solutions but cant get this right. Am i taking the correct approach? Are my settings correct? I have also noticed that the patch can pass through the chassis and the rope can pass through both the patch and the chassis.

Apologies if these are fairly noob questions I have not been using Bullet long and any pointers or help is greatly appreciated.

