Understanding and exploiting collision margins and shapes

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Understanding and exploiting collision margins and shapes

Post by RBD »

I'm posting this here also since it's essentially a Bullet Physics tutorial and visual explanation of Bullet's collision margins, shapes and compound rigid bodies. I cover fundamental Bullet concepts, but hopefully address both beginner and advanced users. Perhaps this may qualify as a companion to Bullet's documentation.

I'm proposing a new (I think) way to look at collision margins to effectively take full advantage of them as they offer mathematically perfect edge bevelling for collision shapes not only with no cost to performance, but actually with enhanced performance and collision handling. Ironic since mesh edge bevelling is generally desired for aesthetics but kept to a minimum considering rendering performance cost, yet Bullet's collision margins naturally offer perfect bevelling for free.

YouTube: Bullet Physics Collision Margins and Shapes

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this Erwin, Thanks.