Trying to Run the Fracture Demo

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Joined: Wed Aug 15, 2012 8:42 am

Trying to Run the Fracture Demo

Post by DDR_ »

Hello. So, I downloaded bullet-2.80-rev2531, ran cmake, ran make, and then navigated to the fracture demo folder. However, I can't find anything to run there.

Code: Select all

david@ubuntu:~/Downloads/bullet-2.80-rev2531/Demos/FractureDemo$ ls
btFractureBody.cpp           FractureDemo.cpp
btFractureBody.h             FractureDemo.h
btFractureDynamicsWorld.cpp  main.cpp
btFractureDynamicsWorld.h    Win32FractureDemo.cpp
I also tried running make all, and it said it made some stuff, but — nada.

Where in the world are the binaries? Is there a master binary I can run, I seem to recall a nice window with a drop-down menu on the right that let me select my demo… but that was a long time ago. :(

The manual (pdf) just said to navigate to the demos folder and try some of the demos.