QT + Bullet 2.8 = clEnqueueAcquireGLObjects error

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QT + Bullet 2.8 = clEnqueueAcquireGLObjects error

Post by Bonaducci »

I'm developing game which uses Bullet physics. I've been using older version of Bullet so far. I've found one project that works properly. I don't know what version of bullet is this.
This is link to the source of this one. http://projects.developer.nokia.com/gles2phys (bulletdice)

However I decided to use the newest engine because I need to use GPU computing. I've downloaded new bullet, and there were some problems with DX11 support.
I'm quite sure, that this files were prepared for MS Visual Studio 2008. I've tried to include missing libraries from my VS2010 path, but some of them are still missing.
I've used "#ifdef __DX11__" on all DX11 files and it goes through it (I'm not going to use DX in this application) but there is still problem.
I'm using CUDA SDK 4.2.9 x64 and most of needed files for glut, OpenCL etc are present there. Now I have another error and I have really no idea how to solve this.

undefined reference to `clEnqueueAcquireGLObjects@24'
undefined reference to `clEnqueueReleaseGLObjects@24'
Windows 7 x64
QT SDK 4.8.1
Bullet 4.80
CUDA SDK 4.2.9 x64
Compiled under MinGW 4.4

In the future I'd like to build this application on Mac and Linux and I'm trying to use platform-independed sources.

I'm sorry for my English, by I'm not native and I'm not using it often.

//I've also tried Intel OpenCL sdk, the same error

Ok, I worked it out. I've made mistake installing new libraries ("-" instead of "_") and my "gl_cl.h" file didn't have "OpenCL.lib". Now it's fully working.
But still I have to admit, using it without Visual Studio 2008 is quite problematic, because I could find anything about preparing workspace. There should be index of defines to switch some things on and off (for example how to switch off DX11 when we don't need to use it and we don't have proper libraries).