btTransform * operator giving the inverse ??

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btTransform * operator giving the inverse ??

Post by loefje »


Am I totally confused or do the () and * operators
of btTransform and btMatrix3x3 give the inverse transform ?

/**@brief Return the transform of the vector */
SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btVector3 operator()(const btVector3& x) const
return btVector3(m_basis[0].dot(x) + m_origin.x(),
m_basis[1].dot(x) + m_origin.y(),
m_basis[2].dot(x) + m_origin.z());

what i'd expect is this:

return btVector3( m_basis[0] * x[0] + m_origin.x(),
m_basis[1] * x[1] + m_origin.y(),
m_basis[2] * x[2] + m_origin.z() );

what am I missing ?


Jochem van der Spek
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Re: btTransform * operator giving the inverse ??

Post by (void*) »

This is just how bullet stores their matrices I suspect (columns versus rows).

I know that when I convert from a bullet matrix to my own math library's matrix I have to transpose them.
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Re: btTransform * operator giving the inverse ??

Post by loefje »

so what you're saying is that
m_basis[0] gives me the first column, right ?
I never really get my head around that.
in an OpenGL matrix, it's like this, (column-major)

xx, yx, zx, tx
xy, yy, zy, ty
xz, yz, zz, tz
xw, yw, zw, tw

so m_basis[0] should correspond to Vector3( xx, xy, xz )
giving me the x-axis of the coordinateframe,
the same as in OpenGL, but then the * and () operators
apparently give the inverse.

so, from this, i deduce that bullet stores row-major instead, and
that m_basis[0] gives Vector3( xx, yx, zx ) instead, am I correct ?

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Re: btTransform * operator giving the inverse ??

Post by (void*) »

I'm not sure how much help I will be for you. I haven't spent a lot of time working through the details of bullet's math library and I don't use it directly (I have my own math library). I just know what I had to do in order for my code to interface with it.

Something else that comes to mind is that you may be dealing with a math operation order issue...

(Matrix * vector) versus (vector * Matrix)

In your first post you said you expected to see
return btVector3( m_basis[0] * x[0] + m_origin.x(),
m_basis[1] * x[1] + m_origin.y(),
m_basis[2] * x[2] + m_origin.z() );
Which is actually (vector * Matrix) according to bullet's math code.

Ref: btMatrix3x3.h

Code: Select all

	operator*(const btMatrix3x3& m, const btVector3& v) 
		return btVector3(m[0].dot(v), m[1].dot(v), m[2].dot(v));

	operator*(const btVector3& v, const btMatrix3x3& m)
		return btVector3(m.tdotx(v), m.tdoty(v), m.tdotz(v));
Ref: btTransform.h

Code: Select all

	SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btVector3 operator()(const btVector3& x) const
		return btVector3(m_basis[0].dot(x) + m_origin.x(), 
			m_basis[1].dot(x) + m_origin.y(), 
			m_basis[2].dot(x) + m_origin.z());

  /**@brief Return the transform of the vector */
	SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btVector3 operator*(const btVector3& x) const
		return (*this)(x);
Sorry I can't be much more help than that. You originally "asked" if those operators returned the inverse... I believe the answer is "no" they do not return the inverse. However the conventions bullet uses may just be different than what you're used to working with.
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Re: btTransform * operator giving the inverse ??

Post by loefje »


Thanks for your answer. What I can't find is the code in bullet for btVector3 * btTransform then.

I actually get a compiler error on doing vector * matrix:

Code: Select all

btTransform trans = m_connA->getRenderNode()->getLocal();
btVector3 vec = m_connA->getConnectionPoint().getOrigin();
glVertex3fv( vec * trans );


..\..\src\Piston.cpp(407) : error C2679: binary '*' : no operator found which takes a right-hand operand of type 'btTransform' (or there is no acceptable conversion)

did u spot it somewhere ?

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Re: btTransform * operator giving the inverse ??

Post by loefje »

just a followup on my previous post, I'm getting more & more confused here.
if btMatrix3x3 stores the orthogonal vectors of a reference frame in row-major
order, like this:

Code: Select all

m_el[0] = btVector3( xx, xy, xz );
m_el[1] = btVector3( yx, yy, yz );
m_el[2] = btVector3( zx, zy, zz );
then why on EARTH stores it the x,y and z-components
of each vector as a column in an OpenGL matrix, which is column-major ??

Code: Select all

// from btMatrix3x3.h
		void getOpenGLSubMatrix(btScalar *m) const 
			m[0]  = btScalar(m_el[0].x()); 
			m[1]  = btScalar(m_el[1].x());
			m[2]  = btScalar(m_el[2].x());
			m[3]  = btScalar(0.0); 
			m[4]  = btScalar(m_el[0].y());
			m[5]  = btScalar(m_el[1].y());
			m[6]  = btScalar(m_el[2].y());
			m[7]  = btScalar(0.0); 
			m[8]  = btScalar(m_el[0].z()); 
			m[9]  = btScalar(m_el[1].z());
			m[10] = btScalar(m_el[2].z());
			m[11] = btScalar(0.0); 
Am I being silly or is this weird ?
If anyone can enlighten me on this,
please, 'cause I'm just not getting it..


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Re: btTransform * operator giving the inverse ??

Post by loefje »


I should have seen before that there's another thread on this topic, ... 1b1a7d0566
and it seems to me beaelp is right in stating that the
getOpenGLSubMatrix gives the transpose of what's expected by glLoadMatrix.

Erwin, could you *please* clarify this ?

thanks a lot,

Jochem van der Spek
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Re: btTransform * operator giving the inverse ??

Post by mewert »

Bullet's transforms are stored row-major in memory. They are still column vectors with post multiply, though. i.e. T*v_body = v_world, where T is the rigid body transform. They use the same math conventions as OpenGL and... well, _math_ ( not Directx ). But the storage is different from OpenGL, where column vectors are stored column major.

I suspect this for the optimization that allows btMatrix3x3*btVector3 to be performed with 3 dot products.. SoA vs. AoS.

- Michael Alexander Ewert