Collision detection between artibrary 3D objects

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Joined: Tue Apr 18, 2006 3:16 pm

Collision detection between artibrary 3D objects

Post by shekerka »

Hi everyone!
I am new to 3D world and collision detection in general. have very little background information on this.
but I need to develop basic collision detection and object gluing in Java 3D.
i will have arbitrary 3D objects: convex and non-convex
moving randomly.
I implemented the first step with bounding cubex.
now i need to go into more detail.
there are so many different articles on 3D collision detection and I am overwhelmed.
could you, please provide any hints on what would is the best algorithm for CD and where can I get pseduo code for it.

or refer me to an article that would actually help to understand everything from scratch rather than try to persuade me why their method is better than XYZ that I don't know and have no background info to compare with.

Thanks a lot!!!!