Efficient way to check a 7-joint robot collides with itself and other objects

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Efficient way to check a 7-joint robot collides with itself and other objects

Post by xueswan »

Hi, all,
I am currently manipulating a 7-joint robot arm using the default model "pybullet_data\kuka_iiwa\model_free_base.urdf" provided in pybullet. I wonder how I can achieve self collision detection or collision with other objects simultaneously. I only need to get a boolean return if any of these collisions happen and I prefer an efficient check. I know that at iterative loop to check the collision of each joint against the other non-neighbouring joints is possible, however, inefficient. (1)Is there a more efficient way to do that (2) Is it possible to getAABB for the whole robot arm instead of the base or a specific joint, so that the robot's collision with other objects can be detected?
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