compound collisoin shape position inside btRigidBody

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compound collisoin shape position inside btRigidBody

Post by cc9cii »

Hello, need your help again please. Background: I'm working on a game engine that has to work with existing data. (just in case it is relevant - this game originally used Havok) There is no real option to modify the source data.

I have reduced the problem down so it can be demonstrated (I used one of the demos that came with the bullet source code). Basically:

* I have a box that is part of a node tree. This box is implemented as a btBoxShape inside a btCompoundShape with its own transform.
* If I use the child shape transform to include the parent node transform, the box appears in the expected place (using the debug drawer). But I wish to animate this box, so having the node transform baked into the child shape is not going to work.
* If I move the node transform to the btRigidBody, the box appears somewhere else. The expectation was box1 and box2 would be in the same position/rotation.

Clearly I'm misunderstanding something. Would anyone know why the transforms behave this way?

Code: Select all

    // node12 transform
    btVector3 v0(0.0, 18.7639, 1.66574);
    btMatrix3x3 m0(-0.0000, -0.0000, -1.0000, -0.9989, 0.0630, 0.0000, 0.0639, 0.9989, -0.0000);
    btTransform tNode12(m0, v0);

    // bhkRigidBodyT local transform
    btVector3 vr(1.6761*7, 0.0000*7, 0.0000*7);
    btQuaternion qr;
    btTransform tLocal(qr.getIdentity(), vr); // no rotation
    // correct position of collision shape
    btBoxShape *box1 = new btBoxShape(btVector3(1.6761*7, 0.3929*7, 1.7485*7));
    btCompoundShape* p1 = new btCompoundShape();
    p1->addChildShape(tNode12 * tLocal, box1);

    btRigidBody::btRigidBodyConstructionInfo rbInfo1(/*mass*/0.f, /*MotionState*/0, p1, btVector3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f));
    btRigidBody *body1 = new btRigidBody(rbInfo1);
    btTransform tOrigin;

    // collision shape in unexpected place
    btBoxShape *box2 = new btBoxShape(btVector3(1.6761*7, 0.3929*7, 1.7485*7)); // exactly the same as box1
    btCompoundShape* p2 = new btCompoundShape();
    p1->addChildShape(tLocal, box2);             // <----- node transform taken out of child shape transform

    btRigidBody::btRigidBodyConstructionInfo rbInfo2(/*mass*/0.f, /*MotionState*/0, p2, btVector3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f));
    btRigidBody *body2 = new btRigidBody(rbInfo2);
    body2->setWorldTransform(tOrigin * tNode12); // <----- node transform is now here as part of world transform
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Re: compound collisoin shape position inside btRigidBody

Post by drleviathan »

I see a copy-n-paste error in the second part at this line:

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p1->addChildShape(tLocal, box2);
I think you meant to do:

Code: Select all

p2->addChildShape(tLocal, box2);
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Re: compound collisoin shape position inside btRigidBody

Post by cc9cii »

Hello, thanks for picking that up. With that typo fixed both the shapes appear in the same place (in the demo). That begs the question if the actual code has a similar typo... time to investigate

EDIT: just wanted to update that I did find the offending part of the code - thanks again for alerting me of the possibility