C2A: CCD library for general polygon soup models

Physics Researcher
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C2A: CCD library for general polygon soup models

Post by youngjkim »

We announce the release of a free, real-time continuous collision detection library for rigid, polygon-soup models.


The performance of C2A is superior or comparable to that of a specialized algorithm for a 2-manifold surface model (e.g. http://graphics.ewha.ac.kr/FAST).

Any feedback or bug-report will be appreciated.

Thank you.
Erin Catto
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Re: C2A: CCD library for general polygon soup models

Post by Erin Catto »

Conservative advancement is basically one-sided root finding. It has trouble with fast rotating objects that are close together. Advancement can be arbitrarily small. A typical example is a domino standing vertically on a plane. Imagine that the domino is knocked over. There is already a very close point at the bottom (held up by the solver) and the domino is rotating downward quickly.