problem linking against release mode compilation

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problem linking against release mode compilation

Post by loefje »

Hi there,

I'm running into a curious problem when compiling in release mode.
everything works fine when compiling debug, but when I switch to
release mode, MSVC8 doesnt find the removeCollisionObject function.

>Canvas.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall btCollisionWorld::removeCollisionObject(class btCollisionObject *)" (?removeCollisionObject@btCollisionWorld@@QAEXPAVbtCollisionObject@@@Z)

I'm using the vcproj files from the 2.75 release, without modifications.
the code causing the error calls removeCollisionObject with a btRigidObject as
argument. Is this the problem and if so, why does it link in debug mode ??


Jochem van der Spek