character who react only with gravity

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character who react only with gravity

Post by Furya »


I have a character and I want that he react to gravity (so there is Collision AND Physics activated on him. That's OK) but I don't want that he moved when an objet or another character touch him.

So I want collision on him, so the other entity couldn't pass throught him (that's OK). I Want the react to gravity so he fall when he is in the void (that's OK) but I dpn't want that he react and move when other entity want to push him. How can I can I keep collision and gravity and abandon other physics reaction ? I just wand gravity and collision not the rest...

How can I do that ?


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Re: character who react only with gravity

Post by S1L3nCe »

Please don't post Bullet support questions here, use ... um.php?f=9

Otherwise, I don't know how Character is working but with RigidBody you can set a huge mass to your object.
It'll be still concerned by gravity but not affected by collision with other objects.