Higher order integrators for impulse-constraint physics

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Higher order integrators for impulse-constraint physics

Post by 317070 »


I've been implementing a physics engine for the research in my niche application, using the impulse-constraint method and this document:
http://danielchappuis.ch/download/Const ... Body3D.pdf

Now, I was wondering about using higher order integrators in order to reduce the number of computations needed to reach physical relevance (rather than visual accuracy and stability). I have a couple of questions in this regard maybe some people on this forum know the answer to?
  • In the spring-mass type of algorithms, it is not unusual to go to higher order Runge-Kutta methods for integration to have more stability. In the impulse-constraint method, I cannot seem to find any resources on this topic? Is there a specific reason for this?
  • How would you use a Runge-Kutta method on impulse-constraint exactly? The result of the every update step are your new velocities, not the forces/accelerations. To find these new velocities, you need the velocities (and positions) of the previous time step as well. I fail to push this into the Runga Kutta integrator.
  • Is there an open-source library with other integrators of which I could study the code?