Can't modify the example .urdf files

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Can't modify the example .urdf files

Post by allan »

I am getting started with PyBullet on Windows 10. I entered the "Hello PyBullet World" script from the Quickstart Guide and it runs fine, using the r2d2.urdf file. When I tried running it using other sample .urdf files from the pybullet_data folder, that also worked. But when I created my own .urdf file by copying, renaming and editing the r2d2.udrf file, p.loadURDF() failed to find my new file. If I modified the original r2d2.urdf file without changing the filename, the script ran but it was still loading the original model without my changes. Are these files getting cached somewhere else? Any help would be appreciated.

P.S. I originally posted this on the General Bullet Physics forum but it seems like it might belong on this forum instead, so I've deleted the other post
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Joined: Wed Jul 28, 2021 1:30 am

Re: Can't modify the example .urdf files

Post by allan »

I found the problem. During installation of PyBullet, the "pybullet_data" folder apparently gets copied into
"\Users\<myname>\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python39\site_packages\", which is where the files get loaded from. Now I can edit the files.