Integration of Pybullet with Visualization Toolkit(VTK)

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Integration of Pybullet with Visualization Toolkit(VTK)

Post by Nibba2018 »

Hello everyone, I needed some help regarding the integration of Pybullet with VTK.

For e.g currently, the GUI element is governed by the command: "p.connect(p.GUI)" but instead of using the default GUI I wanted to create a custom UI using VTK and implement physics on VTK elements. But to do so I am lacking documentation on how to load vtk models directly in runtime. I have found ways to load ".vtk" file models using "p.loadSoftBody()" but I want to pass the VTK object itself to the Pybullet engine.

The quick start guide doesn't have what I am looking for. I was also not able to find any detailed Pybullet API documentation on google.

Thank you.
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Joined: Thu Aug 27, 2020 8:28 am

Re: Integration of Pybullet with Visualization Toolkit(VTK)

Post by H0l0d0k »

Hi! Have the same question. Have you already found the solution?