Torque control

Official Python bindings with a focus on reinforcement learning and robotics.
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Torque control

Post by Enigma123 »

When I use my control algorithm to calculate motor torque and provide it to motor by using setJointMotorControl2,
I should get the same applied torque from getJointState after stepping the next simulation but it is not.The code seems like
while 1:
torque = controlAlgorithm(args)
setJointMotorControl2(robotId, jointId, TORQUE_CONTROL, force = torque)
appliedTorque = getJointState(robotId, jointId)[3]

torque == appliedTorque(False)

But when I provide constant torque like torque = 1 and leave the other code unchanged, appliedTorque equals torque.
What's the problem?