Bullet 2.51 Physics SDK released

Open source Bullet Physics SDK release information
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Erwin Coumans
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Bullet 2.51 Physics SDK released

Post by Erwin Coumans »

If you are using Bullet, please upgrade to Bullet 2.51
  • - btAxisSweep3: Fixed a bug in btAxisSweep3 (sweep and prune) related to object removal. Only showed up when at least one btStaticPlaneShape was inserted.
    Thanks tbp for more details on reproducing case.
    - btAxisSweep3: Fixed issue with full 32bit precision btAxisSweep3 (define BP_USE_FIXEDPOINT_INT_32), it used only 0xffff/65536 for quantization instead of full integer space (0xffffffff)
    - btRaycastVehicle: Added 'getForwardVector' and getCurrentSpeedKmHour utility functions
    - Fixed local scaling issues (btConvexTriangleMeshShape, btBvhTriangleMeshShape, removed scaling from btMatrix3x3).
    Thanks Volker for reporting!
Download Bullet from sourceforge, or get a local cached copy here:
Bullet 2.51 zipfile (windows line endings)
Bullet 2.51 tgz file Bullet 2.51 .tgz file (unix line endings)

Wiki is has been manually recovered. If you haven't checked out the Rube Goldberg machines using Bullet (inside Blender) please check the contest results, Youtube movies, screenshots etc.
