Flexibility of Bullet API

Physics APIs, Physics file formats, Maya, Max, XSI, Cinema 4D, Lightwave, Blender, thinkingParticles™ and other simulation tools, exporters and importers
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Flexibility of Bullet API

Post by xerzi »

I am looking to adopt the bullet api into my project, which does some basic collision detection and am looking to create a bit more complex system with moving objects. I hope someone with some experience using this api can give me some insight.

I am looking to use a binary search to define a "world", which consists of 2 trees, one consisting of 3D planes (Front/Back of the plane determines which node of the tree to check) as well as one in 2D which will determine which polygon to test for polygons which are on the same 3D plane. Is there a base class to define a binary tree such as this?

I want to define a moving object as a "group" of spheres, such that each sphere has a mass and radius which would than construct a center of mass along with moment of inertia for the object to be used for collisions. I was wonder if there was such a class in Bullet? One of the things I am unsure of what to do is regarding the collision detection of a group of spheres with respect to the world.
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Joined: Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:37 pm

Re: Flexibility of Bullet API

Post by kloplop321 »

It sounds like you're looking for finite element analysis.