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Constraint to prevent a motorcycle from falling over

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 7:49 pm
by tom83

I have a game with a motorcycle and the motorcycle falls over (to the left/right) because it has only two wheels.

My physics simulation is very simple and I just want to force the vehicle to always have a pitch value of zero, so it stands upright.

I have found contrains that are relative to another object. Do I have to add another object or is there an easy way to force one object to have a specific angle.


Re: Constraint to prevent a motorcycle from falling over

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 1:51 am
by Basroil
I think you forgot that the world itself can be used.

Physics wise though, you're better off just making a controller that shifts a "driver" left and right to balance it like a real bike, since once you put in real graphics now you'll have a physics controlled driver at zero cost (well, some cost in physics, but very little extra)