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Post by fred4d »

Apologies in advance. This is my first post. I tried to read the FAQ, but it took me to some Thai web-site.

Anyway I noticed there is no btCapsuleCapsuleCollisionAlgorithm and maybe there's a good reason of which I'm unaware in my ignorance, but over the years I've learned things from this project and I thought I'd try to give back by posting an attempt of my own.

Things to note: I bound all of my shapes in an oriented-bounding-box and interpret the values of the box to describe, in this case, the capsule. I didn't include the support functions (e.g. IntersectRayCapsule), because those are well known and published. The CalcIntercept function is a bit overkill here -- it really just represents a 2D-circles-over-time TOI, but I just used the 3D-spheres-over-time version for my convenience (i.e. I was being lazy). I don't calculate a normal or point of contact, but this is trivial.

There are comments inline, which should give any reader a good start, but I'm certainly willing to expand, if this generates interest/questions. Also because I have literally just written this, there are possible bugs and/or gaps in my logic. Presumably once you possess a robust MovingCapsuleSegmentIntersect you can use it to implement, for example, MovingCapsuleTriangleIntersect.

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struct OBB
        Transform transform;
        Vector3 extents;
struct ContinuousCollisionData
        OBB Last;
        Vector3 Motion;
static bool MovingCapsuleSegmentIntersect(
        ContinuousCollisionData const& capsule,
        Vector3 const& d,
        Vector3 const& a,
        Vector3 const& b,
        decimal segRadius,
        decimal& TOIout
	// Bring segment and relative motion into capsule's space.
	auto const worldToLocal{ capsule.Last.transform.getInverse() };
	auto const p{ worldToLocal * a };
	auto const q{ worldToLocal * b };
	auto const r{ worldToLocal.getOrientation() * d };

        auto const R{ capsule.Last.extents.x + segRadius };
	auto const upA{ capsule.Last.extents.y - capsule.Last.extents.x };

        auto const s{ q - p };
	auto const ss{ s.x * s.x + s.z * s.z };

        // Reduce the problem to a 2D moving circle colliding with a stationary 2D segment.

        // Find closest 2D point on segment to circle.
        auto t{ -(s.x * p.x + s.z * p.z) };
        if (t != 0) // Prevent potential divide-by-zero.
		t /= ss;

	Vector3 pq;
	if (t <= 0)
		pq = p;
        else if (t >= 1)
		pq = q;
		pq = p + t * s;

        auto const RR{ R * R };
	if (pq.x * pq.x + pq.z * pq.z <= RR)
            // 2D circle and segment already overlap; consider the third dimension.

            // If the closest point in 2D is outside of the
            // capped cylinder in 3D, bring the appropriate end
            // cap of the capsule into play.
            if (pq.y < -upA)
		return IntersectRayCapsule(
			Ray{ Vector3{ 0, -upA, 0 }, Vector3{ 0, -upA, 0 } + r },
            else if (pq.y > upA)
		return IntersectRayCapsule(
			Ray{ Vector3{ 0, upA, 0 }, Vector3{ 0, upA, 0 } + r },
            TOIout = 0;
            return true;

        // Circle and segment are disjoint.

	// Determine closest point to circle's center on the line of the segment.
        auto cx{ p.x + t * s.x };
	auto cz{ p.z + t * s.z };
	auto const cc{ cx * cx + cz * cz };

        if (cc <= RR)
		// The problem reduces to determining the time of intersection for
		// the closest segment point (the tip of the spear) and the circle.
		if (!CalcIntercept(
                	Vector3{ pq.x, 0, pq.z },
                	Vector3{ r.x, 0, r.z },
			return false;
		auto rxs{ r.x * s.z - r.z * s.x };
		auto constexpr EPSILON{ 1e-06f };
		if (decimal::abs(rxs) < EPSILON)
			// Circle motion is parallel to segment.
			return false;

		// Implicitly determine intersection point of circle's motion
		// with stationary segment (r * t).
		//t = (p.x * s.z - p.z * s.x) / rxs;
		t = (p.x * s.z - p.z * s.x);

		// Using similar triangles, refine t to account for
		// circle's radius.
		//t = t * (1 - R / decimal::sqrt(cc));
		t = (t - t * R / decimal::sqrt(cc)) / rxs;

		// We now have a time t where the circle
		// contacts the line of the segment.  If
		// the resulting point of contact is not
		// on the segment, then test the relevant cap.
		pq = r * t;
		auto tt{ s.x * (pq.x - p.x) + s.z * (pq.z - p.z) };
		if (tt < 0)
			if (!CalcIntercept(
				Vector3{ p.x, 0, p.z },
				Vector3{ r.x, 0, r.z },
				return false;
		else if (tt > ss)
			if (!CalcIntercept(
				Vector3{ q.x, 0, q.z },
				Vector3{ r.x, 0, r.z },
				return false;

        if (t >= 0 && t <= 1)
		// The circle touches the segment at time t.  Calculate 3D point
		// of impact on the infinite 3D cylinder of the circle.

		// Move the circle.
		pq = r * t;
		auto const tt{ s.x * (pq.x - p.x) + s.z * (pq.z - p.z) };

		auto const cy{ p.y + tt * s.y / ss - pq.y };

		// If the intersection point is outside of the
		// capped cylinder, bring the appropriate end
		// cap of the capsule into play.  Otherwise time
		// t is correct.
		if (cy < -upA)
			return IntersectRayCapsule(
				Ray{ Vector3{ 0, -upA, 0 }, Vector3{ 0, -upA, 0 } + r },
		else if (cy > upA)
			return IntersectRayCapsule(
				Ray{ Vector3{ 0, upA, 0 }, Vector3{ 0, upA, 0 } + r },

		TOIout = t;
		return true;

        return false;

bool MovingCapsuleCapsuleIntersect(
        ContinuousCollisionData const& capsuleA,
        ContinuousCollisionData const& capsuleB,
        decimal& TOIout
        auto upB{ capsuleB.Last.transform.getOrientation().upVector() * (capsuleB.Last.extents.y - capsuleB.Last.extents.x) };
        return MovingCapsuleSegmentIntersect(
		capsuleA.Motion - capsuleB.Motion,
		capsuleB.Last.transform.getPosition() - upB,
		capsuleB.Last.transform.getPosition() + upB,