btGImpactMeshShape collision issues

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btGImpactMeshShape collision issues

Post by innova »

Hello everyone,

I try to use bullet to detect collisions/contacts between triangle meshes. For each mesh I build a btGImpactMeshShape within a btCompoundShape and create a btCollisionObject with it.
But I experience unexpected collisions between shapes that lay "diagonal" in the world. There it seems as if the objects do collide with the bounding box of the shape instead of the shape it self.
I investigated further and created a small example. It consists of a btGImpactMeshShape of a small box and a btGImpactMeshShape with only one triangle in it.The triangle is positioned near the edge of the box rotated for 45 degree around the Y-axis.
Here wrong contact are detected when running btCollisionWorld::contactTest,
Strange is that if I reverse the orientation of the triangle no contact are detected (what is correct). But I thought btGImpactMeshShape would work double sided, so the orientation of the triangle should not matter.
Even stranger is that if I make the box bigger (the x Direction in my test case) the detected contact disappear too.

To make things more clear the code can be found here: or at the end of the post.
I have to say I am a bit at a loss. Any help or hint of what I am doing wrong would be highly appreciated.

For better understanding, I attached an illustration of the described situation in blender.
illustration of the situation
illustration of the situation
situation.png (89.07 KiB) Viewed 16089 times

Code: Select all

#include "btBulletDynamicsCommon.h"
#include "BulletCollision/Gimpact/btGImpactCollisionAlgorithm.h"

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>

struct TriangleMeshData
    std::vector<btScalar> vertices;
    std::vector<int> indices;

TriangleMeshData createBoxMesh(const btVector3& extent)
    const auto& x = extent.x();
    const auto& y = extent.y();
    const auto& z = extent.z();
    return TriangleMeshData{
            x, y, 0,
            x, 0, 0,
            0, 0, 0,
            0, y, 0,
            x, y, z,
            x, 0, z,
            0, 0, z,
            0, y, z
            0, 1, 2,
            0, 2, 3,
            4, 7, 6,
            4, 6, 5,
            0, 4, 5,
            0, 5, 1,
            1, 5, 6,
            1, 6, 2,
            2, 6, 7,
            2, 7, 3,
            4, 0, 3,
            4, 3, 7

TriangleMeshData createDiagonalTriangleMesh(bool flipTriangle)
    return TriangleMeshData{
             0.12, 0, -0.31,
            -0.31, 0,  0.12,
            -0.31, 1,  0.12,
        flipTriangle ? std::vector<int>{0, 1, 2} : std::vector<int>{ 0, 2, 1}

struct BulletObject
    explicit BulletObject(TriangleMeshData meshData)
        : m_meshData{std::move(meshData)}
        m_triangleIndexVertexArray = std::make_unique<btTriangleIndexVertexArray>(
            m_meshData.indices.size() / 3,,
            3 * sizeof(meshData.indices[0]), static_cast<int>(m_meshData.vertices.size()),
  , 3 * sizeof(m_meshData.vertices[0]));

        m_gImpactMeshShape = std::make_unique<btGImpactMeshShape>(m_triangleIndexVertexArray.get());
        m_gImpactMeshShape->setLocalScaling(btVector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));

        m_compountShape = std::make_unique<btCompoundShape>();
        btTransform transform;
        m_compountShape->addChildShape(transform, m_gImpactMeshShape.get());
        m_collisionObject = std::make_unique<btCollisionObject>();

    btCollisionObject* getBtCollisionObject()
        return m_collisionObject.get();

    static constexpr btScalar MARGIN = 1.0e-4;

    TriangleMeshData m_meshData;
    std::unique_ptr<btTriangleIndexVertexArray> m_triangleIndexVertexArray;
    std::unique_ptr<btGImpactMeshShape>         m_gImpactMeshShape;
    std::unique_ptr<btCompoundShape>            m_compountShape;
    std::unique_ptr<btCollisionObject>          m_collisionObject;

struct BulletContactResultCallback : public btCollisionWorld::ContactResultCallback

    bool needsCollision(btBroadphaseProxy* proxy0) const override
        return true;

    btScalar addSingleResult(btManifoldPoint &cp, const btCollisionObjectWrapper *colObj0Wrap,
                             int partId0, int index0, const btCollisionObjectWrapper *colObj1Wrap,
                             int partId1, int index1) override
        btVector3 ptA = cp.getPositionWorldOnA();
        btVector3 ptB = cp.getPositionWorldOnB();
        double distance = cp.getDistance();

        std::cout << "Contact : (" << ptA.getX() << "," << ptA.getY() << "," << ptA.getZ()
                  << ") (" << ptB.getX() << "," << ptB.getY() << "," << ptB.getZ()
                  << ") & d: " << distance << '\n';
        return 0;

int main()
    btDefaultCollisionConfiguration collisionConfiguration;
    btCollisionDispatcher dispatcher(
        static_cast<btCollisionConfiguration *>(&collisionConfiguration));

    btScalar sceneSize = btScalar(100);
    btVector3 worldAabbMin(-sceneSize, -sceneSize, -sceneSize);
    btVector3 worldAabbMax(sceneSize, sceneSize, sceneSize);

    btAxisSweep3 broadphase(worldAabbMin, worldAabbMax, 16000);

    btCollisionWorld collisionWorld(
        static_cast<btDispatcher *>(&dispatcher), static_cast<btBroadphaseInterface *>(&broadphase),
        static_cast<btCollisionConfiguration *>(&collisionConfiguration));

    // Register Gimpact algorithm

    auto box = BulletObject(createBoxMesh(btVector3{0.02, 1, 1}));
    auto triangle = BulletObject(createDiagonalTriangleMesh(true));

    BulletContactResultCallback callback;
    collisionWorld.contactTest(triangle.getBtCollisionObject(), callback);

    return 0;
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