Changing shape in a stack of shapes

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Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2014 9:26 pm

Changing shape in a stack of shapes

Post by Simulacrum0 »

Wondering if anyone knows where i'm going wrong in Bullet 2.82.

I have a stack of boxes of different sizes and when i resize one on the fly using "activate, setLocalScaling & updateSingleAabb", there are no changes to the stack of boxes until i have moved it a certain amount in a simulation step after the 'resize'. Effectively i can shrink/flatten a cube in a stack of cubes and all the cubes sits there until i move the edited box. I've tried activating everyone in the scene, several variations of 'activate' calls on the shape-changed entity such as forceActivate, call setLinearVelocity with all 0s to change updateRevision or even with significant values, add/rmv from the scene, and various other bullet calls, but nothing seems to trigger the expected response of the stack of cubes responding ( e.g. the cubes above the now smaller box dropping onto it ). There is no friction or contact other than the 1d stack...Gravity has been tried at many values, but nothing seems to 'activate the shape' other than moving it a small amount in a frame after the shape change has occurred.

Is there additional calls or steps to make certain the boxes above respond when a box below them is reshaped? i've literally spent two days reading the forums and trying ideas to no avail. Any hints or help is much appreciated!

Btw, massive and voluminous thanks for Bullet. Erwin is a hero for writing & sharing such things. i had an internal dynamics engine and collision response based on earlier Chris Hecker & ODE code, but Bullet really gets the job done and i've learned a lot from this. Hope to contribute back someday-