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simple actuator?

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 1:20 pm
by dikobraz
Hi everyone!

I use btRotationalLimitMotor for simulating simple actuator exerting specified torque on attached bodies.

Code: Select all

void BulletRotationalServoMotor::setTargetForce(float targetForce_) 
    targetForce             = targetForce_;
    motor->m_maxMotorForce  = fabs(targetForce);
    motor->m_enableMotor    = motor->m_maxMotorForce > 0.01f;
    if (motor->m_enableMotor) {
        motor->m_targetVelocity = targetForce / motor->m_maxMotorForce * btScalar(BT_LARGE_FLOAT);
I tried to implement gravity compensation using Jacobian Transpose method, but noticed that exerting torques are too large. E.g. in the following scene setting target force for motor between cones to "T = m * cross(motor->getAxis(), upperCone->getCOMPosition() - constraint->getPosition())" leads to oscillation around equilibrium configuration. Even when I decrease torque 10 times behaviour is the same.


Is there a better way to implement servo motor? Does the btRotationalLimitMotor use units other than N·m?

Re: simple actuator?

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:37 am
by dikobraz
Anyway, this solution helped me to implement actuator which applies exact torque(or almost exact):

Code: Select all

btVector3 torque = constraint->getAxis(axis) * targetTorque;
constraint->getRigidBodyA().applyTorque( torque);