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convexTest with rotation

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 11:18 pm
by lsgmasa

I am developing a game which has a user level creation, and I started using convexTest(...) function to find out the intersection point between placeable objects and static background.
It worked good at the beginning, but I realized I have to rotate the object. Is there any way to use btCollisionWorld::convexTest(...) with rotated shapes?


Re: convexTest with rotation

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 12:58 am
by lsgmasa
Hello again. I looked at convexTest(...) function and created my version of it

it takes extra parameter rotation, and the rotation value is used to calculate convexFromTrans, convexToTrans, and value "I".
I tested this function by casting box shape with rotation value, and it seems working good.
However, I wonder if what I am doing is correct thing, and if you guys give me any opinion, that would be great.

Thanks in advance.

Code: Select all

void convexTestWithRotation( 
                            const btConvexShape* castShape, 
                            const btVector3& convexFromWorld, 
                            const btVector3& convexToWorld, 
                            const btQuaternion& rotation, //added 
                            btCollisionWorld::ConvexResultCallback& resultCallback,
                            short int collisionFilterMask )
    btTransform	convexFromTrans,convexToTrans;
    convexFromTrans.setOrigin(convexFromWorld); //<-added
    convexFromTrans.setRotation( rotation );
    convexToTrans.setRotation( rotation ); //<-added
    btVector3 castShapeAabbMin, castShapeAabbMax;
    btTransform I;
    I.setRotation( rotation );//<-added
    castShape->getAabb (I, castShapeAabbMin, castShapeAabbMax);

    btCollisionObjectArray& collisionObjects = g_bullet.m_pWorld->getCollisionObjectArray();
    /// go over all objects, and if the ray intersects their aabb + cast shape aabb,
    // do a ray-shape query using convexCaster (CCD)
    int i;

    for (i=0;i<collisionObjects.size();i++)
        btCollisionObject*	collisionObject= collisionObjects[i];
        //only perform raycast if filterMask matches
        if(collisionObject->getBroadphaseHandle()->m_collisionFilterGroup & collisionFilterMask) { 
            //RigidcollisionObject* collisionObject = ctrl->GetRigidcollisionObject();
            btVector3 collisionObjectAabbMin,collisionObjectAabbMax;
            AabbExpand (collisionObjectAabbMin, collisionObjectAabbMax, castShapeAabbMin, castShapeAabbMax);
            btScalar hitLambda = btScalar(1.); //could use resultCallback.m_closestHitFraction, but needs testing
            btVector3 hitNormal;
            if (btRayAabb(convexFromWorld,convexToWorld,collisionObjectAabbMin,collisionObjectAabbMax,hitLambda,hitNormal))
                g_bullet.m_pWorld->objectQuerySingle(castShape, convexFromTrans,convexToTrans,


Re: convexTest with rotation

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 1:49 am
by reltham
I would guess that you should not need to apply the rotation to both the shape and from/to transforms. Probably just one or the other would accomplish what you want.

Re: convexTest with rotation

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:40 am
by lsgmasa
I removed the rotation from the shape, and now it doesn't work anymore.
it seems that I need to apply the rotation to the both

Reltham Thanks you for your feedback though

Re: convexTest with rotation

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:45 am
by John McCutchan
I will post the fix that will be in the next version of Bullet tomorrow. I finished it earlier today but I didn't have time to post it. It's essentially the same as the one you posted but it will allow for the from and to rotations to be different.

Re: convexTest with rotation

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 6:03 pm
by lsgmasa
great thanks!

Re: convexTest with rotation

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:28 pm
by John McCutchan
The new convexSweepTest has been committed to SVN. Can you please test it to verify that it functions properly? Instead of a btVector3 from and to the function now takes a from and to transformation.


Re: convexTest with rotation

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 7:18 pm
by lsgmasa
OK I finally got time to test the new code, but it didn't work as it is in the SVN depot.

the things I did:
1. get the latest btCollisinWorld.{h,cpp}
2. build bullet 2..66 using these files.
3. run my game.

the result returned by convexSweepTest(...) was wrong.

I compared the new function with my version of function, and I realized the btTransform passed into calculateTemporalAabb(...) has translation since the new function uses "convexFromWorld" directly.

I changed the btCollisionWorld::convexSweepTest(...) as the following and it seems working again.

Code: Select all

void	btCollisionWorld::convexSweepTest(const btConvexShape* castShape, const btTransform& convexFromWorld, const btTransform& convexToWorld, ConvexResultCallback& resultCallback,short int collisionFilterMask)
	btTransform	convexFromTrans,convexToTrans;
	convexFromTrans = convexFromWorld;
	convexToTrans = convexToWorld;
	btVector3 castShapeAabbMin, castShapeAabbMax;
	/* Compute AABB that encompasses movement */
		btVector3 linVel, angVel;
		btTransformUtil::calculateVelocity (convexFromTrans, convexToTrans, 1.0, linVel, angVel);
        btConvexShape* pTest = (btConvexShape*)castShape; //<-added I needed to cast the pointer from const btConvexShape* to btConvexShape*... I don't know why...

        btTransform I;//<-added
        I.setRotation( convexFromWorld.getRotation() );//<-added

		pTest->calculateTemporalAabb (I, linVel, angVel, 1.0, castShapeAabbMin, castShapeAabbMax);

	/// go over all objects, and if the ray intersects their aabb + cast shape aabb,
	// do a ray-shape query using convexCaster (CCD)
	int i;
	for (i=0;i<m_collisionObjects.size();i++)
		btCollisionObject*	collisionObject= m_collisionObjects[i];
		//only perform raycast if filterMask matches
		if(collisionObject->getBroadphaseHandle()->m_collisionFilterGroup & collisionFilterMask) { 
			//RigidcollisionObject* collisionObject = ctrl->GetRigidcollisionObject();
			btVector3 collisionObjectAabbMin,collisionObjectAabbMax;
			AabbExpand (collisionObjectAabbMin, collisionObjectAabbMax, castShapeAabbMin, castShapeAabbMax);
			btScalar hitLambda = btScalar(1.); //could use resultCallback.m_closestHitFraction, but needs testing
			btVector3 hitNormal;
			if (btRayAabb(convexFromWorld.getOrigin(),convexToWorld.getOrigin(),collisionObjectAabbMin,collisionObjectAabbMax,hitLambda,hitNormal))
				objectQuerySingle(castShape, convexFromTrans,convexToTrans,


Re: convexTest with rotation

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 8:35 pm
by reltham
I think the reason you had to cast away the const was that you didn't get the new version of btCollisionShape.cpp/h.

Re: convexTest with rotation

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:22 am
by lsgmasa
Thanks reltham :)
yes, that must be it.

Re: convexTest with rotation

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:25 am
by John McCutchan
You're right there is a bug in the SVN version. A proper fix has been developed and will be committed soon. In the meantime you can continue to use the version you have developed.

Thanks for your feedback,

Re: convexTest with rotation

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 8:01 pm
by John McCutchan

A fix based on your code was committed this morning. Please let us know if your issue persists.
