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gimpact and deformable meshes

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 12:08 pm
by topcomer
I've started to use GIMPACT and I thought it would be good to edit the MovingConcaveDemo replacing the bunny with my mesh. I could create the mesh using initGImpactCollision() and move my mesh around with the mouse as a rigid body. So the next step was to move the vertices coordinates to deform the mesh. I did it in this way (where wheels is a list containing all the rigid bodies created):

void ConcaveDemo::updateExtMesh()
for( int i = 0; i < mesh_list.size(); i++ )
tf = pde->step();

for( int i = 0; i < mesh_list.size(); i++ )
MeshGeometry& geometry = mesh_list->geometry();
std::cout << geometry.x(0, 1) << std::endl;

for( VertexIterator v(*bmesh_list); !v.end(); ++v )
uint index = vertex_map(*v);

gVertices[3 * v->index() + 0] = geometry.x(index, 0);
gVertices[3 * v->index() + 1] = geometry.x(index, 1);
gVertices[3 * v->index() + 2] = geometry.x(index, 2);

btCollisionShape *wheel = NULL;

if( wheels.size() > i )
wheel = wheels->getCollisionShape();

if( wheel )
wheel = m_trimeshShape;

and called this function just after stepSimulation() and before renderme(). Hence the mesh should be deformed in an arbitrary way by my external solver and then just visualized as a change in the collision shape for the rigid body (kinematic or not). However this does not happen and the mesh displayed remains unchanged in the configuration I shoot it. That is, if I shoot it at the beginning it stays undeformed, if I shoot it after some time it is displayed as deformed but it doesn't change further. And if I shoot sveral bodies, they are all in the same configuration (the configuration at the time of the first shoot). I have no clue where the problem is, should I use something different rather than a rigid body?

Re: gimpact and deformable meshes

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 8:31 pm
by projectileman
With GImpact shapes you must call postUpdate() and then updateBound() after altering the mesh vertices.
Please take a look to the documentation: ... guide.html


Att : Francisco

Re: gimpact and deformable meshes

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 12:18 am
by topcomer
projectileman wrote:With GImpact shapes you must call postUpdate() and then updateBound() after altering the mesh vertices.
Please take a look to the documentation: ... guide.html


Att : Francisco
thanks for the reply.

I thought that postUpdate() and updateBound() were needed only to update the bounding boxes uses for the collision detection and not the coordinates of the vertices. I tried the very same code I posted over here inside bullet demo MoveConcaveMesh (which looks like GIMPACT demo) and I see that the mesh gets deformed. Isn't this demo using GIMPACT as well?

Re: gimpact and deformable meshes

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:09 pm
by topcomer
I have a problem in the contact between a kinematic trimesh and the static ground present in MovingConcaveDemo. I managed to get the collisions using the following calls at each time step:


however, I can't map the contact points onto the trimesh. Are the collision points different from the vertices of the mesh?

Re: gimpact and deformable meshes

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 9:14 am
by topcomer
any hint? if I have to check all the collision points against all my triangles to find which are colliding it's pointless to use a fast collision detection..