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Looking for an old bullet example for a character controller

Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 8:24 am
by jokooon
Some time ago, I think before the release of bullet 3, I remember trying out an example that implemented some kind of character controller that could jump around some kind of game level, make of some bare polygons.

The character was some kind of capsule or box.

I was looking inside the old demo branch on git but could not find something that looks like it.

Can you remember this? Can anybody confirm that all examples that were present in bullet releases are still on the git repository? If it was removed, was it because it might be deprecated?

Re: Looking for an old bullet example for a character controller

Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 8:30 am
by jokooon
Solved, I think I found it in the 2.82 release.