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Edge collision problems after editing btBvhTriangleMeshShape

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 9:03 am
by Silverlan
I want to change the vertex positions of a btBvhTriangleMeshShape, but after doing so I get a lot of collision problems near triangle edges:
(Original triangle mesh shown at the beginning of the video works fine. After changing the vertex positions at 00:21,the collisions are all wrong.)

Here's my code, all I'm doing is moving the vertices slightly up on the y-axis:

Code: Select all

btTriangleIndexVertexArray *iva = shape->GetBtIndexVertexArray();
uint8_t *vertexBase = nullptr;
int32_t numVerts = 0;
int32_t vertexStride = 0;
PHY_ScalarType scalarType {};
uint8_t *indexBase = nullptr;
int32_t indexStride = 0;
int32_t numFaces = 0;
PHY_ScalarType indexType {};
int32_t subPart = 0;

for(auto i=decltype(numVerts){0};i<numVerts;++i)
        case PHY_ScalarType::PHY_FLOAT:
            auto *v = reinterpret_cast<float*>(vertexBase +i *vertexStride);
            v[1] += 0.5f;
        case PHY_ScalarType::PHY_DOUBLE:
            auto *v = reinterpret_cast<double*>(vertexBase +i *vertexStride);
            v[1] += 0.5;


shape->setTriangleInfoMap(nullptr); // btGenerateInternalEdgeInfo doesn't do anything if the shape already has an info map