Bumps between convex hulls with character controller

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Bumps between convex hulls with character controller

Post by Enhex »

I'm using a dynamic character controller with a capsule shape.
The rest of the world is made of convex hulls.

When the character moves over an internal edge it sometimes bumps into it, similar to what happens with trimeshes.

I tried disabling gravity and zeroing UP velocity when the character is on the ground, it solves the bumps but it causes bumps when going down slopes because the UP velocity have to build up.

I tried using setContactProcessingThreshold(0), it solves the bumps but it causes very unstable collision with walls.

Is there a way to fix the above approaches, or a different approach that doesn't cause new problems?
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Joined: Thu Jul 24, 2014 2:48 am

Re: Bumps between convex hulls with character controller

Post by rebirth »

I found using a cylinder instead of a capsule gave better results, but you will have to setup stepping yourself. I have yet to update Bullet to the newer version so I don't know what state the CC is in, but I got some of the source for the stepping from one of those Bullet patches offered by the community. I got the idea of using a cylinder from another physics engine for XNA (a while ago and I forget the name).
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