Technical questions about code

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Technical questions about code

Post by d3x0r »

In BulletCollision/BroadphaseCollision btBroadphaseProxy.h

in class btBroadphasePairSortPredicate

is this expression...

&& a.m_algorithm > b.m_algorithm

m_algorithm is " mutable btCollisionAlgorithm* m_algorithm;"

There's no operator> for this... so it's just comparing memory address....

is there some table that keeps instances of these algorithms that the order significant? Or is it better to just .... ( a.m_algorithm != b.m_algorithm )
in class btBroadphasePairSortPredicate

is this expression...

&& a.m_algorithm > b.m_algorithm

m_algorithm is " mutable btCollisionAlgorithm* m_algorithm;"

There's no operator> for this... so it's just comparing memory address....

is there some table that keeps instances of these algorithms that the order significant? Or is it better to just .... ( a.m_algorithm != b.m_algorithm )