Help! softbody nodes can not update after stepsimulate

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Help! softbody nodes can not update after stepsimulate

Post by ekcool »

I follow SoftDemo,and create a btSoftRigidDynamicsWorld and create a softbody with trimesh from my mesh sucessuflly.
Details as follows:
btDefaultSoftBodySolver* softSolver = new btDefaultSoftBodySolver();
btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver* solver = new btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver();
btSoftRigidDynamicsWorld* _sworld = new btSoftRigidDynamicsWorld(m_dispatcher, m_broadphase,solver, collisionConfig, softSolver);
m_dynamicsWorld = (btSoftRigidDynamicsWorld*)_sworld;
///setting here

m_dynamicsWorld->setGravity(btVector3(0, -9.8, 0));
m_dynamicsWorld->getDispatchInfo().m_useContinuous = true;
m_dynamicsWorld->getSolverInfo().m_erp2 = 0.f;
m_dynamicsWorld->getSolverInfo().m_globalCfm = 0.f;
///////////////////////////////////fill softinfo for create softbody///////////////////// m_softBodyWorldInfo.m_broadphase = m_broadphase;
m_softBodyWorldInfo.m_dispatcher = m_dispatcher;
m_softBodyWorldInfo.m_gravity.setValue(0, -9.8, 0);
m_softBodyWorldInfo.air_density = (btScalar)1.2;
m_softBodyWorldInfo.water_density = 0;
m_softBodyWorldInfo.water_offset = 0;
m_softBodyWorldInfo.water_normal = btVector3(0, 0, 0);

2)////create a softbody and add it into sofrigiddynamicsworld :
m_psb = btSoftBodyHelpers::CreateFromTriMesh(softBodyWorldInfo, meshVecs, indices, numTrigs);
if (m_psb == NULL)
btSoftBody::Material* pm = m_psb->appendMaterial();
pm->m_kLST = 0.1;

m_psb->transform(psbTrans);//this works well,it can move the softbody mesh location
m_psb->setTotalMass(5, true);
m_psb->m_cfg.kDP = 0.0;// Damping coefficient [0,1]
m_psb->m_cfg.kDF = /*0.2*/ 1.0;// Dynamic friction coefficient [0,1]
m_psb->m_cfg.kMT = 0.05;// Pose matching coefficient [0,1]
m_psb->m_cfg.kCHR = 1.0;// Rigid contacts hardness [0,1]
m_psb->m_cfg.kKHR = 0.1;// Kinetic contacts hardness [0,1]
m_psb->m_cfg.kSHR = 0.0;// Soft contacts hardness [0,1]
m_psb->m_cfg.collisions = btSoftBody::fCollision::SDF_RS + btSoftBody::fCollision::CL_SS + btSoftBody::fCollision::CL_SELF;
m_psb->m_cfg.piterations = 7;
m_psb->m_materials[0]->m_kLST = 1.0;
m_psb->m_materials[0]->m_kAST = 0.2;
m_psb->m_materials[0]->m_kVST = 1.0;
m_psb->setPose(true, true);
3)////in my game loop I try to setupsimulate, and get softbody m_nodes' position to update my mesh vertices ,but failed :

void SkinnedMeshRenderer::lateUpdate() //update for every frame
if (!_mesh)
if (_pWorld)
_pWorld->stepSimulate(1.0f / 60.0f);
this->updateVerticesFromSim();//get softbody nodes and update mesh vertices,but all nodes location's value had no changes


so, reslut is showed as old state, the mesh cloth had no change ,anyone can give me an advice? thanks...